
Divas Dishing The Dirt

3 friends. 3 very different people. All with opinions.

Sunday, October 23, 2005
I was thinking

Cause I do that sometimes... sometimes being the key word.....

I wonder if when employers are accounting for paying their employees, they consider time employees use for "makin business" if you know what I mean, ya know, droppin the kids off at the pool? Yea. I mean every time I go to the bathroom at work, I think, "wow, I being paid while I go!" That's awesome! If I could just get some more of that type of paid time in, man that'd be great!


Yesterday I took a small amount, about 20 things i dunno, but not that much in my opinion, to Crystal's garage sale. She did a spectacular job advertising and she lives near a very busy area and OH MY GOSH! The turnout was GREAT!! There was a point when I was at the end of her driveway and she was at the top of the driveway, and we couldn't see each other!! When we first opened it up at 7:30 am and there was actually a man who RAN up to the driveway! Can you believe that ish!? Anyways (piggy's fav word) I made about $100 !! WOO! Like I said I didn't really have that much stuff!

I've got about a gazillion things I want to spend it on, I'm having a hard time prioritizing. Here's the selfish version of list:
  • shoes & boots
  • winter clothes
  • handbags
  • 300 thread count sheets for my bed
  • duvet set for my bed
  • new workout clothes so I don't look like such a bum there (including shoes)
The non-selfish version:
  • stain & sealant for the back deck
  • have chimney cleaned
  • small amount of wood pieces to repair front porch railings and white paint to repaint whole porch.
  • paint for eaves and trim of outside of house
  • pay to have someone come grind stumps in the back yard
Yea so the lists are drastically different, I know. Besides all I could do buy one thing off of either list! So you see my issue? I'll figure it out. :shrug:

posted by Ms. Adventures at 9:30 AM

The Divas

Three friends found a space to share their love of home, health, movies, music and more. But they do it with their own unique styles.

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