
Divas Dishing The Dirt

3 friends. 3 very different people. All with opinions.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Well since no one else has posted..........

I'm doing a study for my Probability class for a project and I was hoping you might answer my questions, I need 25 male responses and 25 Female responses. Please forward my link to whoever you know who might comment on it, or even ask people you know if you can.

  1. What's your first name?
  2. Gender?
  3. How old are you?
  4. How much time do you spend per week shopping for food? (would include grocery and convenience stores; please don't round the time. The more accurate the better)

On other fronts here's a picture of the boys at Thanksgiving, I'm using it as my desktop right now. Sweet babies!!

I also found out the most AWESOMEST thing EVER! You may not agree but hey everything's relative right? WELL at school they have this program called *Merit Nursing* and basically that means if you make good grades (which I do) in a set number of courses, you can skip the current waiting list of 3 years *yikes!!* and get started on the 2 year associate nursing program immediately. If I did this I could be working in a few years and still continue to work on my Bachelors. AND if I was working in a hospital they would pay for my school! It's a no loose situation!! They do registration for it every November, I don't have what I need for it right now, but in two semesters I will! So that's what I'm going to do, then be ready to register by Nov. 06'. I'm SO excited about the prospect of working in my field..... and frankly the money won't be bad either.

Luv you guys! Talk to you soon! Thanks in advance for answering my questions.

posted by Ms. Adventures at 9:00 AM     3 tasty tidbits

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Oh it's been a crazy week

Hey-lo everyone! Been a while hasn't it? I've been so busy.

The husband and I just got back from Tennessee. We went and stayed in a cabin for the weekend and visited the town. It was a nice, different break. I've discovered I'm not really the cabin type. I prefer a hotel or condo honestly. Regardless we had a good time, went horseback riding on the trails and foothills of the mountains, shopped.... all in all a good time.

Don't you ju
st feel like you're sitting across from me?

The place was called "Bullfish Grill" - here I am with said bull/fish. Notice his stratigically placed tail? BTW he also had no "bull parts" if you were wondering......

Anyway, that's what I've been doing lately. We got some cheesy souvenirs and got the boys some hugemongous suckers as big as their heads. They'd probably prefer those over a t-shirt anyway. Sorry, I don't have any advocacy type stuff to post, I'm much more boring than that.

posted by Ms. Adventures at 12:05 AM     4 tasty tidbits

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Time for a little Advocacy...

This month marks a year since someone I was close to passed away. To be specific, it was my ex-boyfriends Aunt, who I got to know pretty well in the time that we were together. We did some cooking together, a little shopping, trip to the Zoo. Then she started having trouble moving her neck, and had pain in her shoulder. After a month or so went by, they finally got to the root of the problem; it was ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's disease.

The abridged version of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is that it's a muscular neuron disease. Basically, it slowly deprives you of all motor functions and renders your muscles completely usesless, and caused degeneration of the brain and spinal cord.

There is no cure, and most all treatments become pointless after a period of time. It's final, and it's the worst thing to witness someone you care about going through.

I was reading the last book in The Dark Tower series that morning. I had just gotten to the part in the book where Eddie, my favorite character dies. I was crying, but not just crying. I was *sobbing*, full-force body-shaking sobs, complete with snot and puffiness in the face. I sat there thinking, "I can't believe I'm crying like this over a BOOK". Not five minuites later the phone rang. Laura had died. We drove over there to sit with her husband while he waited for the funeral home. I knew this was coming, I was prepared. But I had just seen her the night before, though she may or may not have seen me since at that point she had finally gotten a morphine drip. I had cleaned her face and brushed her hair, held her hand while I read my book, the sound of her breathing machine a heartbeat in the background.

There wasn't going to be anymore brushing hair, no more cooking together, no more trips to the zoo. No more hearing her yell "FUCK!" when I beat her at Scrabble. It was just...the end.

We found out that she had ALS in June. She died in early November. She had five months with a rapidly deteriorating quality of life.

As I said, there is no cure. But there is research in the works. Which is currently being hindered by the current administrations ban on using new stem cells for research. The National Stem Cell Information Site describes Stem Cells as "Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive." The ban needs to be lifted on the research on new stem cells, which are not only invaulable to ALS research, but also Parkinson's disease and a host of others.

Please visit The ALS Advocacy Page as well as the infomation page for HBO's documentary Three Sisters and read about Jennifer Estess, who lived six years with ALS and helped raise millions for research, awareness and advocacy.

posted by Bee at 7:37 PM     2 tasty tidbits

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Date Night

I make a total liar of myself by saying one week that I'm not interested in dating, just to turn around the next week and go on a date. No surprise there.

It was my first date in over Two years. I had fun, and counted a total of 5 awkward moments, which is pretty low for a first date. It just occoured to me that I was prepping for (hopeful) upcoming job interviews. Because that's basically what a first date is, isn't it?
"So tell me more about yourself, what do you do? what do you like, etc." Only at the end of Job interviews there isn't japanese food and awkward fumbling smooches.

Maybe there should be, though.

posted by Bee at 9:34 AM     6 tasty tidbits

Monday, November 07, 2005
I was wrong

Ok so maybe I'm not doing so good. My stupid f'in car crapped out again. I just paid $350.00 about two months ago to have the throttle replaced and mass air flow sensor cleaned out, which I'm still paying on, on my credit card. NOW it's crapped again. The starter went out, and it's going to cost me $275 to fix it, because I don't have the time or energy to replace the damn thing myself. I could have gone to get the book from the library on how to replace it myself, but I don't know if I have the right tools and it's already at the shop. FUCK. I also just paid $220 to go to the mountains with my hubby and now I'm regretting it. I need to start stripping or something to pay all this shit off. Damn this sucks.

posted by Ms. Adventures at 9:50 AM     4 tasty tidbits

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Organization is the key!!

Oh my gosh you guys would be so proud, er maybe not, you may roll your eyes but whatever... I am being super de-dooper organized lately. Like I'm just FEELING it!! THINGS that don't normally stay in my memory, are sticking around a bit! I am on top of my game. Last night after work, I went home, picked up Josh (Jalen was sleeping) worked out, went home finished our laundry (haven't folded it yet), went through the boys bookbags, checked Josh's homework (had to make him re-do almost half, ugh), READ all the crap paperwork they send home with the latest fundraiser requests, started a notebook for the week that I've written all the important events in for each day, and planned out how we're going to stain and waterproof our deck for this weekend.

At work I reorganized and cleaned my desk area which was in dire need.

Then this morning I made arrangements for the end of season soccer party, for my younger son's soccer team, made reservations to go to the mountains with my husband for the weekend in a few weeks, and made arrangements for the grandparents to keep the kids. Whew!!

I love it when it's like this! I wish I knew what the physiological difference is inside my body when I'm like this so that I could take a pill or something to make myself like this all the time!! GO ME!

posted by Ms. Adventures at 2:00 PM     5 tasty tidbits

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Just thinkin....

Now that I have time, and Halloween is over :big sigh of relief:, I was thinking.....

I wouldn't change my life for anything, but ...I'm sad for the dreams I killed, that my parents may have had for me. This morning when I was driving in, I saw this guy with a backpack on, getting on his bike alone, and take off I'm assuming to go to school. I thought, it's probably really likely that my Mom had hoped I would go off to college (straight from high school), live with roommates, and have the idealistic college experience. I hate that I messed that up for her. It's not of utmost importance it's just that when I think about how big I dream for my kids, I can understand how disappointing it might have been for her the direction I decided to take. Like I said I wouldn't change my life for the world... just thinking not dwelling.

posted by Ms. Adventures at 9:40 AM     4 tasty tidbits

The Divas

Three friends found a space to share their love of home, health, movies, music and more. But they do it with their own unique styles.

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