
Divas Dishing The Dirt

3 friends. 3 very different people. All with opinions.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
And I hate speeding bulletts!

I always get rather reflective on my birthday week. I like to sit back and really observe my life, what I've done (or rather, not done) with it. Any other week of the year I get very flippant about my goals and my future. I'm very much an "in the Now" person so at times it's difficult for me to look as far as the next week ahead. This is something I plan to work on, but to quote my favorite movie "Well what you plan and what takes place aint exactly ever been similar".

I have accomplished some thing I'm proud of in my 'adult' life, however. Just to name a few...

I won a poetry award 3 years ago. Not a cash award (dammit) but I did win a shiny medal.
I've managed to take care of Buddy & Mollie so that they've not only stayed alive, but have grown at an alarming rate.
I kept my mother in the world when no one else could handle her (though it almost cost me my everloving sanity).
I've managed so far to keep my house all to myself, and was suprised to discover that I love living alone.
I've learned What Not To Wear. At Last!
I finally got over that crush I had on my Asian Civ professor.
I gave up The Sims, once and for all (though I occasionally do suffer from withdrawls).
I stood up to someone who hurt one of my friends, and scared the living shit out of him.
No Arrest Record!
I've learned about that whole "everything in moderation" thing, but ignore it from time to time.
I got Crystal to go to a bar.
I'm making an army of Buffy fans by locking the doors, tying whatever friend might be visiting to the couch and making them watch "Restless" and "Once More, With Feeling". Or perchance they're already stoned in which case "Yes, We'll take some Buffy, thanks!"
Most importantly, I've made friends who I absolutely love, Crystal and Wonder Woman at the top of that list.

I realize that list would have been better with photos to accompany it, but I'm going to be late for work so It will have to wait.
We're doing Birthday Bowling this weekend. I'm going to try to get through the evening without anyone throwing down some Lebowski, but we'll have to see how that goes.


posted by Bee at 6:44 AM

The Divas

Three friends found a space to share their love of home, health, movies, music and more. But they do it with their own unique styles.

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