
Divas Dishing The Dirt

3 friends. 3 very different people. All with opinions.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Diva's Delightful New Year

I adore the new year! Everybody with their "fresh start" the word adore...... I adore it all. I try not to make fruitless resolutions, so I will call them "goals".

Ten Fabulous goals of mine for 2006:

1. Be a better wife and mother- (we all have room for improvement)
a. stop threatening to leave my husband- be firm in my commitment
b. be more patient with my children- allow them to be children (it's hard because they're very aggravating sometimes)
c. play with them more

2. Do something constructive (high yeild CD or something) with my money as to have a college savings acount for the boys.

3. Remember more- especially birthdays

4. Be more satisfied with my life and myself

5. Be more giving and go to church at least 1-2 times a month, cause I love my church I just never go.

6. Get major home renovations done - if possible

7. Make it to Texas on vacation sometime this year and visit my grandma.

8. Drink more water.

9. Become as healty as possible which would include losing the last 10 lbs I want to.

10. Increase shoe, handbag and jewlery collection to a suitable status.

Whew! Well that's all I'm sure I'll think of more. Last but definitely not least, here's a holiday picture of moi. Crystal said she likes this one.

posted by Ms. Adventures at 9:20 AM

The Divas

Three friends found a space to share their love of home, health, movies, music and more. But they do it with their own unique styles.

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