
Divas Dishing The Dirt

3 friends. 3 very different people. All with opinions.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Well since no one else has posted..........

I'm doing a study for my Probability class for a project and I was hoping you might answer my questions, I need 25 male responses and 25 Female responses. Please forward my link to whoever you know who might comment on it, or even ask people you know if you can.

  1. What's your first name?
  2. Gender?
  3. How old are you?
  4. How much time do you spend per week shopping for food? (would include grocery and convenience stores; please don't round the time. The more accurate the better)

On other fronts here's a picture of the boys at Thanksgiving, I'm using it as my desktop right now. Sweet babies!!

I also found out the most AWESOMEST thing EVER! You may not agree but hey everything's relative right? WELL at school they have this program called *Merit Nursing* and basically that means if you make good grades (which I do) in a set number of courses, you can skip the current waiting list of 3 years *yikes!!* and get started on the 2 year associate nursing program immediately. If I did this I could be working in a few years and still continue to work on my Bachelors. AND if I was working in a hospital they would pay for my school! It's a no loose situation!! They do registration for it every November, I don't have what I need for it right now, but in two semesters I will! So that's what I'm going to do, then be ready to register by Nov. 06'. I'm SO excited about the prospect of working in my field..... and frankly the money won't be bad either.

Luv you guys! Talk to you soon! Thanks in advance for answering my questions.

posted by Ms. Adventures at 9:00 AM

The Divas

Three friends found a space to share their love of home, health, movies, music and more. But they do it with their own unique styles.

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